Issue Position: Seniors

Issue Position

Oh yes, I very much want to share my position with you about seniors. Most of us seniors would very much appreciate North Carolina politicians toning down all that "partisan fighting" that go on in this state.

Yes, there are different political positions and approaches that should be shared in our democracy through healthy debate and discussion. However, my goodness, it would be more helpful if North Carolina politics could return to the better ideas and policies prevailing instead of the loudest, most negative and most expensive campaigns prevailing.

It would also be nice if the government would not make our lives more complicated by contemplating putting a state tax on our social security as they were discussing in Raleigh not too long ago. I am with those who say keep your hands off of our social security.

We have children and grandchildren. We would very much like to see that their lives, education, job opportunities, health, and future will be better than ours. State public policy and actions should embrace the great and wonderful potential of our children and grandchildren and should move toward progress and not toward "turning the clock back" on their future.

In short, we seniors would like to know and feel that when elections take place, we are not going to have to worry about what the politicians might do to make our lives, our children's lives, and our grand children's lives more difficult. We want to know that whoever serves us in office will have compassion for all North Carolinians and who, at the same time, will understand the meaning of fiscal responsibility.

We, seniors, do vote, and we expect the elected officials to respect us as well. So yes, I am proud to be a senior running for Governor of the State of North Carolina. I will bring reason and common sense to state government in a responsible, positive and constructive manner. It is time for a steady, thoughtful and experienced hand to help guide our state into a thriving 21st-century era.

I offer my services to you.
